cindy's bio
After graduating from Belmont University in Nashville, TN, Cindy followed God’s call to return to her home state of North Carolina and to found Stage 2 Ministries. For over 17 years, Cindy has been traveling the US and internationally as a worship leader and speaker. Her husband Steve joined the ministry full time in 2007 and together they have seen God move in miraculous ways when His people join together to worship Him. While Stage 2 Ministries began solely as a music ministry, God quickly began expanding it to include a speaking ministry too. Cindy and Steve both have a passion to study God’s word and to share it in clear and practical way. When people can see how true and flawless God’s word is, then they can begin to apply it to their life everyday.
In addition to her touring, Cindy also serves as the Contemporary Worship Leader & Director of Women’s Ministries at Old Town Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC.
"The desire of my heart is to lead people to Christ. Salvation is the most important step anyone can take and I see that as Stage 1 of life. Then we begin that ever-growing relationship with Him...or Stage 2. I feel specifically called to lead Christians to "Stage 2" in their relationship with Christ. I long for them to experience deeper worship and a more intimate walk with Him. There is nothing more fulfilling for me than to lead people to the very throne of God and let them fellowship with their Father."
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